School and Office Electronic Equipment Recycling


Getting new IT equipment for your office can be an exciting time for everyone involved. However, before you start buying up computers left and right, take a moment to look around your workplace and come up with a plan.

What exactly do you need? What are you going to do with all of your old equipment? Do you have options for electronics recycling? At RetirePC we understand that new equipment is a big deal but also know that acquiring it is a process that requires a lot of thought. Here are some of the top considerations we suggest looking into before replacing older IT equipment.

Create A List of Needs and Wants

Purchasing new equipment is an efficient process that must stay within a reasonable budget. Therefore, we suggest performing an analysis of your company’s essential electronic needs.

  • What are the tech requirements?
  • What are the most outdated pieces of equipment?
  • What are employees asking for?

Also during the creation of this list, think about where your company can save money and space. Do you really need that extra copier in the break room? Finding areas where you can reduce electronic clutter can further help you save money and reduce your environmental footprint.

Once a list of the essentials has been made, you can start sorting through the technology you have and move on to the next step in the process, what to do with it!

Come Up With a Recycling Plan

The last thing your business wants to do is stuff its old equipment into a storage room or just leave it on the curb to become a piece of the local landfill. Every year, the world contributes 20 to 50 million metric tons of e-waste due to poor recycling practices. This waste can create severe health hazards to the communities exposed to it, and can easily be avoided with the help of a reliable electronics recycling company.

RetirePC is Dallas’ most trusted recycling company because not only do we ensure your equipment is recycled through a waste-proof process, but we also keep your data secure.

Choose Equipment Wisely While Shopping Around

Finally, don’t just go with the first offers you find on equipment. Think about the future of your business and how this new IT can best benefit your company when it’s expiration date arrives. Do your research, and find out what the ROI would be on your new equipment. This way, when the time comes to part ways, you’ve already got a thought-out plan that leaves your business’ finances in a comfortable place. Remember, think quality over price when investing in important products like computers, printers, or other essential office technologies.

Get The Recycling Process Done Right With RetirePC

While you may still have some tough decisions to make about buying your new equipment, RetirePC will be happy to take your old equipment off of your hands. Our team of professionals can help you gain maximum ROI on your equipment and ensure that it is either refurbished or efficiently recycled.

Our process keeps your business’ data secure while also promoting greener practices for our surrounding communities. Reach out to us today to schedule a bulk pickup for your outdated electronics.

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